XS Revio Multiparameter

Professional portable multiparameter with triple power supply (battery, PC, mains) with backlit color graphic display, for excellent data visualization in all lighting conditions, thanks also to the possibility of automatically and manually adjusting the contrast and lighting of the display.
  • Simultaneous display of multiple parameters, chosen by the operator.
  • Automatic pH calibration with USA and NIST buffers up to 5 points and 5 points defined by the user.
  • Automatic ORP calibration 1 point.
  • Automatic calibration of conductivity up to 4 points and 1 point defined by the user.
  • Adjustable reference temperature and selectable cell constant.
  • Automatic O2 calibration up to two points (0% – 100%).
  • Indication with icons of the calibrated points.
  • GLP functions: Date and time, display of calibration data and setting of calibration deadline.
  • Manual and automatic data logger with the possibility of downloading data to PC via micro USB.
XS Revio Multiparameter


Other Features

Measuring range:
pH: -2.000 … 20.000 (0.001 pH)
mV: –2000… + 2000 (0.1 mV)
ISE: 0.001 … 19999 ppm
Cond: 0.0 µS … 1000 mS (0.1 µS – automatic)
Resistivity: 1 Ω … 20 MΩ
Salinity: 0.1 ppm … 100 ppt
TDS: 0.1 mg / l … 500.0 g / l
DO: 0.0 … 50 mg / l (0.01 / 0.1 mg / l)
Saturation: 0.0… 400% (0.1 / 1%)
Barometric pressure: 0… 1100 mbar (1 mbar)
Temperature: -30 … 130.0 ° C (0.1 ° C)



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