Liters | CTLW-120, CTLW-200, CTLW-220, CTLW-320 |
LABTEX Glassware Washer
LABTEX Glassware Washer
Programmed cleaning, disinfecting and drying process to clean all glass ware stuff, including beaker, flask, pipette, Petridis, burette, measuring cylinder/glass, test tube etc.
Stainlesssteelinterior,exterior,racksandinsertswithstandheavyuseandreducecorrosionandcontaminant build-up. Internalcomponentssuchaspumpsandsealsarelaboratory-grade,engineeredfor long life.
Interior work area:#316Lstainless Steel
Exterior body:#304stainlesssteel
Washer trolley:#304 stainless steel and optional for :#316LstainlessSteel
- Pre-cleaning
- Washing With Cleaner
- Rinse
- Washing With Neutralization
- Rine
- Washing With Hot Water
- Drying