Air Treatment Unit

There will be times when a standard chamber or even a walk-in test room will not accommodate a particular test item effectively.  It could be that the dimensions will not fit or perhaps there is an associated test rig that needs to be installed as well.  With this in mind, CVMS °Climatic offer a remote Air Treatment Unit (ATU) that will condition the air before it is applied to the test piece via insulated hoses or ducting.  A simple insulated enclosure is built around the unit being tested and any mechanical rigs or electronic test equipment can be kept safely outside the temperature controlled zone. The ATU provides a range of temperature performances and ramp rates that will suit the majority of test applications across all industries. Manufactured from high quality materials and components procured from world class manufacturers, reliability is built in. The ATU has a colour touch-screen programmable controller for easy operation and close control of temperature inside the enclosure

  • External dimensions: D1880 x H1980 x W1250 mm (approx)
  • 1m3 well-insulated enclosure with 2m insulated ducting:
  • Test load 100kg steel (no heat)
  • Temperature range: -60°C … +120°C
  • Heating rate: 3°C / min
  • Cooling rate: 3°C / min
  • Temperature fluctuation: ±0.5°C
  • Temperature uniformity: ±2.0°C

Ethernet connection
Password controller lock

*Bespoke models available for larger or smaller test enclosures, different test loads and temperature ranges



Other Features

Colour touch screen controller
SD card data storage
RS232 or RS485 communications
Remote control software



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